For an education that transforms

We believe in the potential of each person, and in education to achieve it.

Fundação Bracell

Bracell Foundation

We are a private, non-profit organization, founded in 2023, and we seek to harness the transformative power of education to help people realize their full potential and improve their lives.

Our focus is on Early Childhood Education, aimed at an age group in which the foundations for full human development are laid.

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Pillars of action

Quality early childhood education has the power to positively transform a person’s life. To achieve this, it needs to be inserted in a model of comprehensive early childhood policies with competent leadership and commitment towards its implementation.

Early Childhood Education

We identify promising solutions to ensure quality education, focusing on children’s development, especially in preschool, and help turn these solutions into large-scale policies.

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Early Childhood Policies

We support comprehensive policies for children ages 0 to 6, through initiatives that promote equal learning opportunities and conditions for full development in this age group.

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Leadership Development

We invest in strategies to develop leaderships committed towards effective management and capable of implementing quality public policies.

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Latest News

Stay up to date with the actions and initiatives supported by the Bracell Foundation.

Experts discuss ways to improve early childhood education in Brazil

Experts discuss ways to improve early childhood education in Brazil

During the Bracell Foundation Symposium, the importance of strengthening public policies, developing leadership and investing in the comprehensive training of children was highlighted.

Bracell Foundation debuts with a focus on improving childhood education

Bracell Foundation debuts with a focus on improving childhood education

Childhood education, early childhood, and leadership development are the pillars of Bracell Foundation.

The Bracell Foundation supports initiatives to improve education

The Bracell Foundation supports initiatives to improve education

The organization operates based on three pillars: early childhood education, early childhood care and leadership development.


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